News & Commentary

A Note from Our Founding Partner, Dmitri Mehlhorn

I have been asked why I chose Oakland Corps as a name for this effort, and the simple answer is I see much of my story in that of the Vice President’s.  Vice President Harris and I are both from Oakland and what we share aside from our roots in Oak-town is that we have both achieved our version of the American dream, something everyone should have a shot at.
The truth is that this effort could have taken on a number of names – Scranton Corps, Asheville Corps, Portland Corps, Springfield Corps, Flint Corps, Jacksonville Corps….you get the idea. Kamala Harris represents so many aspects of the story of America and the American dream that someone from almost any zip code in the country can see themselves in her story and draw promise for their own future from it.   
I’ve spent the last decade working to protect the America I love from forces that would tear it apart and diminish the potential for a future like the one kids like me and the Vice President have been able to attain. I am continuing that work here. So, you’ll find me at, but feel free to embrace the spirit of our effort from wherever it is you call home. I look forward to doing my small part to help elect an American hero.

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October 7th

At 6:29am, the music stopped.  As described by survivors, the sun was about to rise over the celebratory festival in the Levant. There, millennia earlier,

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